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September 04, 2006


This means, from now on, no spaces between words and punctuation marks (like ! or ?) :o)

The new title would be: This Blog in English!

I may accomodate that!

Do you speak Gaulois ?

Yep, and do you speak English ?

So you will send the same post in english and french, or you will post different articles depending on your readership (French & English) ?

Moi aussi je me met à l'anglais...Vive la mondialisation!!

I guess most of the posts will now be in English, unless I'm told to also post in French !

I think it will be more difficult for you to send the same articles, and especially long articles in both languages (Just the translation), and it suppose to divide the blog in two parts like Loic Lemeur *The only exemple i've find sorry :-D*.

So if you post in just in english, you can lose a large part of your actual readership, who took the habit to read just in French!!

In fact, it's a difficult and complex choice eventually :-s

Yes, I know. I may eventually elect to do like Loic and have 2 blogs, one in English and one in French./

But Loic is Mr Blog and blogging is part of his job, not mine. I also have Photoways to run and can't spend office hours blogging.

My research & blogging time usually spans from 6 to 8, and within that time frame it will be difficult to do the same posts twice !

Yes, i agree with you. By the way, i think the final decision will come by the feedback of your readership...Blog still be part of the 2.0 matrix :)

NB : "My research & blogging time usually spans from 6 to 8"...I confirm, cause i read you post every day @ 5:00 AM in Morocco (Shift of 2 hours)!

Surtout que c'est super lourd de tenir deux blogs en même temps... je connais ca... et c'est même ennuyeux de devoir tout traduire.

Et puis, franchement Michel, ceux qui lisent ton blog doivent tous, je pense, au moins comprendre l'anglais (vu que c'est pas un skyblog...).

This would enlarge the scope of recurrent contributors and so discover other interesting persons !

damned, this is not a skyblog, you could have warned...

Great decision. Cultural diversity is excellent when it comes to the debates we often have on this very blog. Blogging in English for sure widens one's audience.

en in het Nederlands alstublief ?

Does it mean we absolutely have to comment in English, or French is tolerated ?

It's gonna be a lot of wrok to switch it entirely in English, you have all categories and chapter names to rename, the "about" section to translate and so on and so on ...

It should be bilingual ! I should post in both English and French, et on peut répondre en Français ou en anglais, au choix !

Got you !

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