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October 03, 2006


Hi Michel
I was in London last weekend and dropped in to the new Apple store on Regent Street.
I was impressed with the design and layout of the shop - typically Mac: minimalist, simple, fresh, serious yet understated.
Im not sure if their conversion rate at this type of store is too good though - the shop was extremely busy and I had the impression that a lot of people were there just to "see what it was all about". But then I suppose thats exactly what Mac drive curiosity and get some good PR in the heart of the UK capital.

Same comment : thanks, but this place should not serve as a tool to promote one's own website !

Hi Michel
My own blog should be live in the next week or so: ill be able to use a real blog URL then !!
I will therefore refrain from filling in "URL" until the site is ready if OK with you :o)

But on a more serious note, I read 3 blogs in total and yours is one of them.

It is not at all my intention to spam, and I hope to be able to add good honest content to your site.

Thanks for the clarification !

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