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May 15, 2007



en fait Cerberus va recevoir du cash de Daimler pour les débarrasser de Chrysler et l'essentiel des 7 bn va etre injecté dans le business. Voir article du FT ci apres.


DaimlerChrysler paid $650m (£328m) to unwind its $35bn tie-up with Chrysler as the most high-profile transatlantic deal ended with the sale of the US carmaker to private equity on Monday.
Cerberus, the US private equity group, will pay $7.4bn, but most of that will be injected as new equity into the separated Chrysler group. Daimler will retain a 19.9 per cent stake but will end all responsibility for the $17.5bn in unfunded healthcare liabilities that had worried investors.

Il avait déja tenté de reprendre le gros équipementier Delphi en 2006, puis avait fait marche arrière devant le refus des syndicats de lui laisser les coudées franches.

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