Something I care very much to do when in NY is to grab an early breakfast overlooking Times Square and reading the newspapers...
As it's often the case here, sky is today blue, it's a gorgeous morning and weather forecast indicates a very hot day, above 30°C !
Here I am now typing my very first TypePad post on the iPhone at breakfast ! And that's to say how utterly satisfy I am with this €240-only device ! Sure, I have no phone capabilities yet (I will one day...), but it's nonetheless great value for money as it is. A terrific package in a 135g only device (ie lighter than my Treo 680).
I'm overall really impressed by the iPhone and in particular by it's web browsing capabilities, much better than anything else on the smartphone market thanks to a light version of Safari. Fast, convenient, accurately displaying web pages, user friendly, multi-page, all of that on a bright and crisp display, it's a pure delight ! Accessing TypePad and posting was an easy cake !
There sure are some smartphones around with more functionalities, but the iPhone interface kills the competition. Takes the Nokia N95 as an example, it has a GPS integrated, it can view MS Office documents, its digital camera is 5MP vs 2MP only for the iPhone and can record VGA-quality video (iPhone can't). But lots of functionalities is not the way to leadership !
In the MP3 players arena for example, there also were many competitors with more functionalities, but the iPod nearly killed them all thanks to number 1 its unrivaled interface, number 2 its design, number 3 the power of the Apple brand.
I'm quite convinced that the same story will happen again in the smartphone field, though Nokia is a much tougher candidate than Digital River was in the MP3 world. Apple's leadership in operating system, touchscreen interface and design gives them enough amunitions to lead the pack in smartphones. I explained the other day that I anticipate Apple could grab 75% of this segment which could represent 10% of the total mobile market (potentially more, but I would then see Apple's market share decrease).
I assume the blackberry is a better email device than the iPhone, the Treo as well as a matter of fact, but with its web browsing and multimedia capabilities, let alone its phone skills which look very cool, the iPhone is an overall much better package as a smartphone.
Every 6 months or so from now on Apple will upgrade the device, bump memory and add other functionalities, but this first release already is a killing product. Apple has a considerable advance vs competition and I don't see any player catching up anytime soon.
One thing I however regret on blogging from the iPhone, is that I can't insert a picture in the post as it is otherwise possible. If anyone has managed to do so please tell me how to ! I wanted to insert a picture of Times Square I had just shot...
i snap my photos, then email 'em to the blog's publishing address. that starts a post. then i go and edit that post and add the text. does this work for you?
Posted by: frelkins | September 09, 2007 at 11:58 PM
Yes, that could work ! Thks !
Posted by: Michel de Guilhermier | September 10, 2007 at 03:02 AM
Tu serais pas pas en train de prendre un petit-dej au Novotel toi par hasard ?
Posted by: Jean-Hubert | September 10, 2007 at 10:34 AM
That indeed was the case !
Posted by: Michel de Guilhermier | September 10, 2007 at 11:14 AM
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