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January 03, 2008


Well, you said : "he was nonetheless re-elected in 2004 with a very comfortable margin"
I may remind you that the majority of the voting machine were built by a company that's CEO is a strong republican and good friend of the Bush clan....

Agreed, while living in America I whent trough the 2001 and 2004 election (sorry almost said scam) and found that contrary to France a great majority of the people there do not feel concern about any political issues while French people do well too much :-)

Barack Obama seems good, but not sure if he has enough political and power experience has Mrs Clinton does ....

Anyway, has many of my american friend says : All but bigot republican !

- even factoring in the controversy around the voting machines, in 2004 Bush won a landslide victory no matter the margin error. Americans deliberately chose to support their commander-in-chief as the war in Irak was still unfloding.
- "Barack Obama seems good, but not sure if he has enough political and power experience has Mrs Clinton does"
that is precisely because he has no political experience nation-wide whatsoever that he is so popular. The USA favors the myth of the new man emerging out of nowhere (see clinton in 1992). There is no cursus honorum akin to the French career path in the USA, be it in the political or the business field. As counter-intuitive as it seems, Hillary has too much experience....she has been involved in the political fight for more than 15 years, and entangled in bitter and nasty skirmishes with the other camp. She is endorsed by the establishment, and no matter her skills, she can not pretend to bring a fresh air to American politics.

Sebastien, I couldn't find better words, thanks !

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